1 günde İmplant

You can have your implant done on the same day with the implant in a day treatment. You can get your new tooth quickly with implant technology in a day.

It is an effective treatment method for patients in a short time with Implant treatment in a Day. Those who do not want to wait for months with a bad toothless appearance will get their teeth in a short time with this treatment. Patients can continue their lives without being toothless.

Megadentist, within the scope of Implant in a Day treatment, offers quality treatment in a short time to both domestic and foreign patients.

Our Treatment Processes

The information on this page is preliminary information. After the examinations to be made by our specialist physicians, clear information about the diagnosis, treatments and the process is conveyed to you.


Number of Transactions

2 – 3


Processing Time

10 Days


Anesthesia Method

Local Anesthesia


Sensitivity Process



Return to Work Process



Full Recovery Process



Persistence of Results

5 Years


Eating – Drinking Process

2 Hours Later

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made to replace missing teeth in the mouth. Implants are placed in the tooth socket where the lost teeth are located. In this way, the patient’s tooth loss is remedied with the artificial tooth.  The implant treatment process can take up to 6 months.

For patients who do not want to wait for months for implant treatment, implants can be made in one day. In this way, patients do not have to wait for months without teeth in their moths during the process of fusion of the implant to the bone. On the same day, the patient continues his/her life normally with the tooth placed with the implant.

It is possible to make implants and veneers on the same day with the rapid implant. In the rapid implant, it is determined whether the jawbone is suitable for the implant, taking into account the health condition of the patient.

Implant treatment on the same day is applied to patients who do not want to wait for the implant method and do not have a pleasant appearance in their mouth.

It is applied to those who have difficulty in using the palate prosthesis in the implant treatment on the same day, and those who experience osteoporosis due to tooth and gum diseases and those who experience tooth loss.

Implant in a Day treatment may differ from person to person. Whether the treatment be performed can be determined as a result of a dental examination. Implant in a Day treatment is approved only after dentist control.

Advantages of Implant in a Day Treatment

Implant in a Day Treatment has many advantages.

  • Implant application is done in 1 day in a period of 6-12 months.
  • Post-implant complaints disappear.
  • It leaves an aesthetic appearance instead of a toothless image.

Implant in a Day Treatment is is a process that takes between 30-60 minutes on average, although it varies depending on the area where the implant to be placed and the number of teeth.

In the technical methods used within the scope of digital dentistry, technological measurement and imaging devices are used at all stages of the treatment. With 3D technology, the current condition of the patient’s mouth, teeth and bones, soft and hard tissues around the teeth are scanned with digital measuring instruments. A three-dimensional measurement is obtained. Implants are prepared according to the measurements taken. Teeth, whose color and shape are determined according to the computer imaging, are prepared in the laboratory environment. Prepared implants are placed on the same day. The patient quickly returns to his/her social life.


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